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Communication Technology for Special Ed

Session 1
Meg Hayden — Workshop School

We are now in the era of modern communication. How do we communicate with our students, partners, family? Communication can sometimes get muddled.

Here we will explore how we make students with LDs self-advocates and independent. What tools do we give them? What conversations do we have about communication?

We will discuss and discover what information we need from our students to help them succeed. Both academically and emotionally.

Once we receive this information, how do we use it to support better learning? What strategies do we need to incorporate in our practice?

Come discuss the future communication for special education.

Conversational Practice

Post Its, Markers, and a Voice.

We will use design thinking to develop communication tools for LD students

Conversation Links

Presenter Profiles

Meg Hayden
Meg Hayden
Workshop School and Process This
Megan Hayden
Megan Hayden
Workshop School and Process This
Rosaria Bellu
Rosaria Bellu
Hudson HS of Learning Technology


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