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Student Research: Inquiry Based Learning Edit

Jan 31 12–3pm

Marcus Villacorta is an upperclassman at Science Leadership Academy at Beeber. He is currently doing research on what makes inquiry based learning so different from the traditional approach to learning, as well as what the future of schools will look like. All for a personal project which is doubling as his senior project. Marcus has been doing research on the topic, but he appreciates to hear feedback, or personal prospective above all else. Come talk to him to share your opinion about schools and the way they approach learning, as well as how they will evolve in the future.

Here are the base questions I will be asking during our conversation. We will probably get to all of them, but we may go off topic a bit into similar territory which isn't listed below:
Who are you? (what do you do) What role do you play in regards to public education? Why is education an important topic to you? Are you familiar with inquiry based learning/project based learning? If so how do you think it compares to the traditional approach to learning. How do you think schools are failing right now? How do you think schools could be better? Which approach to learning do you prefer ; Traditional or Inquiry. Why? In which ways do you think the traditional approach to learning succeeds? In which way do you think inquiry based learning succeeds?


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