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Framing Social Studies Education in the STEM Era

Session 4
Brian Hussey, Matt Roy — SLA@ Beeber

As STEM education has moved into the forefront of the national conversation on education, teachers in the humanities face new challenges in framing the importance of their discipline to students, parents, reformers, policymakers, and other education leaders. Indeed, as classrooms adjust to new pedagogies, the role and importance of social studies education remains undefined. Meanwhile, the national conversation on social studies education has centered on particular issues of fact in AP standards and high school textbooks. Given the changing educational landscape, how should practitioners of social studies education justify the discipline? Should social studies education focus primarily on content, or is there a skills based focus in history which establishes its equal need and importance among the STEAM subjects?

Conversational Practice

Participants will work in small groups to discuss the role of social studies education in their school contexts and consider what opportunities arise in reframing social studies education.

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